Additional Finance: Disclosure Notice for Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) is a project being implement in Africa to help deliver a climate-smart African future driven by science and innovation in agriculture. It is led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and Centre for International Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and supported by a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank. 

The Project Development Objective is to strengthen the technical, institutional, and human capacity needed to enhance transfer of climate-relevant information, decision-making tools, and technologies in support of scaling efforts in IDA-eligible countries in Africa. The project is structured into 4 major components and comprises of Component 1: Knowledge generation and sharing; Component 2: Strengthen Partnership for delivery; and Component 3: Validating Climate-Smart Agriculture Innovations through Piloting.

This Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) has been developed for the AICCRA Additional Financing (AF) project. This additional funding is outlined in a new agreement with the World Bank (WB) and will be applied exclusively to added activities within the project, while the original ESCP continues to cover the initial project aspects.

The ESCP is a legal document between the WB and CIAT on Environment and Social (E&S) requirements relative to the AICCRA AF. It defines mandatory measures, actions, timelines, institutional arrangements, training, monitoring, reporting, and grievance management that CIAT and implementing partners must adhere to. It also specifies the E&S instruments that are to be implemented, subject to consultation, disclosure, and approval by the WB. Lastly, the ESCP is subject to revision based on adaptive management, project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or performance feedback. 

As the leading entity, CIAT has prepared this ESCP to adhere to its commitment to project safeguard requirements and to align with global best practices in E&S management.

In line with the foregoing, a NOTICE is hereby served to partners, project workers and other stakeholders or interested parties that the ESCP is published and electronically available here. 

Lastly, we wish to indicate that the ESCP will also be disclosed at the World Bank’s information shop and website. 

For further enquiries and submissions about this disclosure, please contact: 

AICCRA Lead E&S Specialists: Adams Kwaw


Phone & WhatsApp: +233 20 795 7282                                                                                                            

This NOTICE is Issued by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).
