
Bouwéré, Mali
Farmers working in the field. Picture from the village Bouwéré, in Mali. 
Photo: P.Casier (CGIAR)
AICCRA-Mali supports the development and adoption of climate information services and climate-smart agriculture across Mali's value chain in rice and other vital food produce. 

Mali is one of the major rice baskets of West Africa. Yet it is highly vulnerable to drought and flooding, both of which are exacerbated by climate change.

To boost the resilience of farmers in the region, the AICCRA-Mali team targets the rice value chain and other key food systems that are integrated with rice production - such as legumes, vegetables, tubers, fish and trees. Currently, we’ve reached 111,064 farmers (49 percent women) with climate information services (CIS) and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) innovations.

We work with partners to enhance the yield, income, food, and nutrition security of farmers in the face of climate variability and climate change by adopting selected CSA and CIS tools, and using innovative partnerships and inclusive business models to ensure sustainability.

By expanding access to demand-driven, cost-effective, timely climate information services and climate-smart agriculture, we're also enhancing the capacities of national partners, such as Mali-Meteo, to sustainably adopt such services.

Through climate risk mapping, near-real-time crop monitoring and climate change impact assessments, AICCRA Mali is supporting research investment and policy decision-making.


Collaborative business models that work for farmers

In collaboration with irrigation systems suppliers, AICCRA-Mali has promoted the use of “Pay-As-You-Go'' business models, which allows farmers to pay off the solar irrigation system in installments, with each payment contributing to the total purchase price of the system. More than 6,000 farmers benefited from the solar-powered irrigation system through the Pay-As-You-Go business model, which enhances farmers income by more than 5,000 USD/ha, and their food and nutrition security.

Multi-sector partnerships for scaling

AICCRA-Mali builds partnerships with public institutions to scale CSA and CIS technologies. Using the Niger Office platform composed of 442,881 farmers including 51% of women supported by 107 local extension agents (31% women), we’ve been able to scale drought tolerant and early maturing rice varieties, alternate wetting and drying, and a GEM parboiling technique in the Niger office zone, the largest irrigated scheme in Mali.

By strengthening the capacity of the local extension agents, and engaging with the management of the Niger Office, AICCRA-Mali ensures the technical and institutional sustainability of the interventions.

Climate-smart demos to build awareness and buy-in

AICCRA-Mali run demonstrations activities to raise farmers’ awareness of climate-smart rice varieties, mechanical seeders, Smart-Valleys approach for water control in rainfed lowlands, alternate wetting and drying irrigation method in irrigated lowlands, GEM parboiling technique, integrated rice-fish system, mechanical harvesters, and threshers using a participatory approach.

Over 15,000 farmers participated in the field demonstration activities in 2022, and were supported in the use of the technologies. About 90% of the farmers changed their farming practices because of the demonstration activities.

Future scaling through digital integrations

AICCRA-Mali is developing an Ag-data hub, strengthening the NFCS, and capacitating Mali-Meteo in ENACTS, citizen science, as well as supporting the Mali HYDROMET Project in agro-advisory services. This will help in upgrading food crisis prevention and monitoring systems planned under Mali Food System Resilience Program (FSRP).

Valuing women’s involvement in Mali's agriculture value chains

120 women service providers in the project intervention area in Mali were trained through local NGOs in the effective use of the game-changing RiceAdvice app that provides field-specific management guidelines for rice production systems in Africa.

As a result of working with these women service providers, nearly 20,440 women and youth farmers (45% of total number of farmers) in the project intervention area in Mali have adopted the technologies recommended by RiceAdvice.

AICCRA-Mali is led by Africa Rice in collaboration with:

  • IER
  • Mali-Meteo
  • Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Niger Office


To learn more about AICCRA Mali’s activities, please contact:
Haissa Toure, Communications Specialist -

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