
Training women farmers on climate smart innovations in Nyando, Kenya
Training women farmers on climate smart innovations in Nyando, Kenya
Photo: V. Atakos (CCAFS)

Piloting and validating climate-smart innovations in agriculture.

This AICCRA team takes promising innovations in ‘climate information services’ (CIS) and ‘climate-smart agriculture’ (CSA) and pilots them to validate whether they can be deployed and bundled effectively on the scale needed to meet the climate and food security challenges faced in Africa.

They support African-led initiatives across different countries and regions to promote gender-sensitive investment and leverage opportunities to finance and deliver promising projects on a massive scale, collaborating with major public and private sector initiatives.

The team collaborates with national and continental agencies to provide methodological guidance to AICCRA focus countries on how innovative tools can be prioritised and which business models and investment plans can deliver them on scale.

Finally, they improve farmers' access to value chains and advisory services for agriculture that are informed by climate science and data.