Workshop | Climate-smart agriculture curricula for African universities

Development of relevant curricula on climate-smart agriculture and climate information services for staff, students and other stakeholders in universities in Africa. 


The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa project (AICCRA) working through CCAFS, intends to make CGIAR-led cutting-edge science practices/technologies/tools available throughout Africa; especially in sub-regions extremely vulnerable to climate change.

The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a network of 148 universities in 38 countries spanning the whole African continent is a partner in the AICCRA project.

RUFORUM’s contribution in the AICCRA project is focused on mobilising African universities, create awareness and enhance the use of CSA and CIS knowledge and products developed by the CGIAR Centres and other research institutions engaged in CSA and CIS.

Enhancing the use of CSA and CIS involves capacity, knowledge and technology audits at national and institutional level, mobilise CGIAR and other research centres to provide CSA and CIS knowledge, technology and skills and training of faculty to deploy the CSA and CIS products in training, research and outreach. Knowledge transfer and capacity building activities therefore form the central part of RUFORUM’s participation in the AICCRA project.

RUFORUM undertook a national and institutional scoping study to identify gaps in CSA and CIS in Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Further, the study focused on review and compilation of an inventory of existing academic programmes & courses related to CSA / CIS and the potential resource persons in the universities.

The study revealed that CSA clusters vary from one country to another, but the dominant ones include Land Restoration and Agroforestry system (LRA) as the priority area number one, followed by Crop diversification CD, Water Harvesting and Management-Small scale irrigation (WHM) and Livestock & Aquaculture Management-LAM.

The team thus, through consultation with different stakeholders identified seven priority areas  for the development of training materials to create awareness and build capacity at the university level.

The initial steps have been taken to identify resource persons and the drafting of course outlines and course materials where feasible on an ongoing basis. 

It is against this background that RUFORUM has organised a workshop for the development and refinement of CIS/CSA training materials to be used across the RUFORUM Network.

The workshop will take advantage of existing expertise, knowledge and innovations developed by the CGIAR and other global partners to enrich the courses and or adopt existing programs that focus on the CSA and CIS prioritised areas. 

The workshop will provide peer to peer support and get insights from CGIAR centres such as IRI, ILRI, Alliance CIAT and other partners under the AICCRA program, to form the building blocks for a program to train university staff for possible integration of CSA/CIS in the academic curriculum that are currently running.


12 - 15 July 2022

Nairobi Safari Club, Kenya

Meeting Link

Day 1: Tuesday 12th July 2022




08:30 – 9:00

Arrival and registration of participants

Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM

9:00 – 9:10

Welcome Remarks, Background  and objectives of the Workshop

Dr. Florence Nakayiwa Mayega, RUFORUM

9:10 – 9:20

Remarks from  the ESA program Lead

Dr. Solomon Dawit, ILRI

9:20 – 9:30

Remarks from WASCAL, West Africa

Prof. Doada Kone

9:30 – 9:50

Presentation of the Scoping Study Report

Prof. Jackson Majaliwa Mwanjalolo, RUFORUM

9:50 – 10:00

Open discussion of the Scoping study report

All participants

10:00 – 10:30


Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM

10:30 – 11:00

Presentation of CGIAR knowledge and products on CSA and CIS  ( Basic CSA-CIS)

Porf. Berhanu Belay


Open discussion on the CGIAR CSA and CIS products


11:30 – 12:00

Pedagogy - Designing curriculum as standalone and integration of modules in existing curriculum- format and target audience

Prof Betty Ezati

12:00 – 12:30

Open discussion on Pedagogy

All participants

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch Break

Loyce Angoku, RIFORUM

13:30 – 17:30

Policy dimensions under AICCRA

Laura Cramer


CSA Knowledge Products



CSA-CIS Extension Services

Desire Kagabo


Health/Coffee/Tea Break

Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM


IRI’s CSA and CIS knowledge products and services

Dr. Tufa Dinku


IRI Approach to Education and Training in Climate Risk Management for Agriculture

Dr Walter Baethgen/Amanda Grossi


Curriculum Modules for Professional Training Graduate Level Education

Dr. Jim Hansen


General  Discussion



Closure of the day and the activity plan for day two – Refinement of training modules


Day Two: Wednesday 13th July 2022




08:00 – 9:00

Arrival and registration of participants

Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM

9:00 – 9:20

RECAP of Day 1

Dr. Anthony Egeru

9:20 – 9:40

Presentation of Module on CSA and CIS-oriented technologies and extension strategies

Dr. Oliver Vivian Wasonga, University of Nairobi

9:40 – 10:00

Open discussion of the Module - Module on CSA and CIS-oriented technologies and extension strategies

All participants

10:00 – 10:30

Health Break

Loyce Angoku, RIFORUM

10:30 – 10:50

Presentation of the module on Cost-effective renewable energy and biogas production

Prof. Katcho Karume, Catholique Evangelique en Afrique, DRC

10:50 – 11:20

Open discussion on the Module Cost-effective renewable energy and biogas production

All participants


Presentation of Module on Crop-livestock aquaculture integration

Dr Chabi DJAGOUN, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin


Open discussion of the module on Crop-livestock aquaculture integration

All participants


Presentation of the module on Indigenous and local trees-based agroforestry systems

Prof Achille Assogbadjo, University of Abomey Calavi


Open discussion of the module Indigenous and local trees-based agroforestry systems

All participants

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

Loyce Angoku

14:00 – 14:20

Presentation of the module on Policy reviews and coordination at local, national and regional institutions in support of CSA and CIS

Prof. Chrispen Murungweni, Zimbabwe


Open discussion on the module on Policy reviews and coordination at local, national and regional institutions in support of CSA and CIS

All participants


Commentary/Presentation on the approach to the Training of Trainers at the university level

Curriculum Expert TBI




15:30- 18:00

Refining of Training Materials

All participants


Closure of day two and activities for day three


(AU-NEPAD 2016, Sibyl 2016, FAO 2021

Day Three: Thursday 14th July 2022




08:00 – 9:00

Arrival and registration of participants

Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM

9:00 – 9:30

RECAP of Day 2

Dr. Anthony Egeru

9:30- 9:50

Presentation of the module on Nutrients and water management in crop production

Dr. Zelalem Bekeko, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

9:50 – 10:30

Open discussion on the Module Nutrients and water management in crop production

All participants

10:30 – 11:00


Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM

11:00 – 11:20

WASCAL – Activity plan and modules- integrating Gender in training modules

Ptof Daouda Kone

11:20 – 11:30



12:00 -13:20

Refined Curriculum

Improvement areas- presentation

All participants

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

Loyce Angoku, RIFORUM

14:00 – 14:20

Presentation on the approach to the Training of Trainers for next users

Dr. Ashley Curtis

Amanda Grossi

14:-20- 15:20

Open discussion on the approach to the Training of Trainers for next users

All participants

15:20 – 15:30

Health/Coffee/Tea Break

Loyce Angoku

15:30 – 17:30

Refined Curriculum

Improvement areas- presentation

All participants

18:10 – 18:20

Closure of day three, activities for day Four and next steps

Dr. Alice Mutiti Mweetwa


Day Four – Friday 15th July 2022 




08:00 – 9:00

Arrival and registration of participants

Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM

9:00- 10:00

Next Steps - Program and logistics for Training of Trainers-

Prof. Majaliwa

10:30 – 11:00


Loyce Angoku, RUFORUM


Mid-morning- Afternoon - Visit to CSA and/or CIS demonstrated technologies and innovations (Prof Wesonga/Dr Egeru)

Agenda - Development of Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information System Relevant Curricula for Staff, Students and other stakeholders in Universities in Africa
