Credit: (AICCRA) / Kelvin Trautman, KANDS Collective

How we work

AICCRA is a CGIAR project led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. It is supported by a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank.

The framework of AICCRA is structured around thematic, regional, and country-specific ‘clusters’, designed to streamline the implementation of project activities.

The project has teams in six countries, each implementing AICCRA activities with support from CGIAR centres - Ethiopia, Kenya and Senegal by International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Zambia by International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Mali by AfricaRice, and Ghana by International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA). And teams focused on regional work through two clusters in West Africa and East & Southern Africa.

The thematic work cuts across AICCRA’s activities through: 

  • Theme One: Climate-Smart Agriculture Policies and Priorities
  • Theme Two: Climate-Smart Technologies and Practices
  • Theme Three: Gender and Social Inclusion
  • Theme Four: Climate Information Services

We work closely with a growing network of national and regional partners to scale the reach of climate-smart agriculture and climate information services for Africa's small-scale farmers.

Organizational Structure

A dedicated Project Management Unit is in place to oversee overall coordination across the entire program of AICCRA's work. For governance and decision-making processes, AICCRA relies on the following key entities: (i) the Independent Steering Committee which oversees progress, provides scientific advice and supports the Project Director; and (ii) the Project Management Committee which oversees the technical work program and the monitoring and evaluation of activities.

In addition to these, there is a large Core Team consisting of a diverse group of individuals involved in AICCRA implementation including thematic leaders, regional leaders, country leaders, activity leaders, and others.

Project Objectives

  1. Partners and stakeholders in the project area are increasingly accessing enhanced climate information services and/or validated climate-smart agriculture technologies.
  2. Individuals in the project area are increasingly accessing enhanced climate information services and/or validated climate-smart agriculture technologies.
  3. Enhanced climate information services and validated climate-smart agriculture technologies originating in one sub-Saharan African (SSA) country are being made accessible in other SSA countries.