Lamine Diedhiou

Communications Officer, Senegal
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)


What’s your role at AICCRA and the journey that led you here?   

As Communication Officer for AICCRA Senegal, my role is to ensure the cluster's communication by producing various materials (brochures, videos, photos), managing online content, writing blogs, compiling reports and coordinating with national partners to ensure consistent dissemination of information.

My post-graduate degree is in journalism and communication. With experience in research project communication, public relations and digital communication, I have worked with TFM, PDIDAS and CaSSECS, making a significant contribution to their communication activities. This background has enabled me to grasp the challenges of the AICCRA project, particularly in the areas of climate change, climate-smart agriculture and stakeholder mobilisation.

Tell us why you think AICCRA can help deliver a climate-smart future for Africa?   

AICCRA can offer Africa a climate-smart future by establishing solid partnerships with the public and private sectors, disseminating climate-smart technologies and building local capacity. This will create resilient and sustainable agricultural systems that can adapt to climate challenges.