Infographic Africa Common Position on Food Systems: A summary of the official Africa Common Position presented in September 2021 as part of the United Nations Food Systems Summit



Africa presented a Common Position to the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), whose narrative was guided by the current challenges related to feeding the growing population amid the environmental footprint of global agriculture, worsening climate crisis, and deepening inequality amplified by the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. Informed by existing continental and regional policy frameworks and outcomes from the national dialogues on the UNFSS, the Africa Common Position demonstrates the continent's commitment to contributing to setting the agenda for global food systems transformation. The Africa Common Position synthesises the views, priorities and ambitions of Member States on the main challenges affecting African and global food systems. This briefing note summarises key thematic areas of the Common Position including challenges and opportunities to ensuring climate resilient food systems, to securing access to improved technologies, and to innovation and biotechnology. It further summarises drivers of transformation and levers of change and potential game changing solutions.