Brief Delivering User-Centric Climate Agro- Advisories to Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia



A strong public-private partnership enabled the delivery of tailored climate agro-advisories to smallholder women and men farmers in Ethiopia. • Bundling climate agro-advisories with climate-smart agricultural services such as input supply, mechanization services, access to credit, agricultural insurance, and market linkages improved the value of climate services and the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. • In 2023, the AICCRA project developed tailored climate advisories to 134,634 women and men farmers through digital channels and to more than 5 million people through mass media in 2023. • A total of 6,968 farmers, extension workers, farmers’ unions/cooperatives, local agricultural experts, and agro-dealers received customized training on climate advisories. • National capacity building training provided on resource mobilization and implementation of the National Framework on Climate Services (NFCS). • Digital tools have been upgraded, and communities of practices have been established.