Webinar Series: Gender and Social Inclusion

AICCRA's Gender and Social Inclusion team is hosting an ongoing series of knowledge-sharing and discussion-based webinars. These interactive sessions are designed to dive deeper into and share learnings from AICCRA's inclusion activities across our focus countries, unpacking some of the key barriers, opportunities and meaningful engagements with women farmers.


  • To exchange knowledge and experiences in relation to gender and climate smart agriculture
  • To increase awareness and visibility about Scaling out of gender smart technologies within AICCRA project
  • To learn and share experiences on how different countries are implementing gender transformative approaches within AICCRA project.
  • To share experiences on how to reach and benefit a wider group of people
  • Strengthening the gender and social inclusion network for fostering innovation and scaling out best practices.

Previous sessions

Engendering inclusiveness of bundled climate-resilient innovations, using three case studies from AICCRA Zambia

Thursday 2 May | 15:00-16:00 (GMT+2)

The purpose of this webinar is to share experiences on the importance of considering Gender and Social Inclusion in the bundling of climate information services (CIS) & climate resilient innovation (CSA) using three cases from AICCRA Zambia as examples.

Facilitator: Therese Gondwe

  1. Welcome remarks - Sophia Huyer, AICCRA Gender and Social Inclusion Lead
  2. Presentation by Munyaradzi Mutenje
  3. Discussions - All
  4. Wrap up and Summary - Therese Gondwe 

Sharing experiences among women in agricultural research - follow-up from CORAF and AICCRA's Women in Leadership training

26 July 2023 | 14:00-16:00 (GMT)

The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) in collaboration with AICCRA organized a Leadership training for 30 women in Agriculture and Climate Research from 16 African Countries. This webinar provided a platform for the women who attended the training to share their experiences more broadly - including what they have done differently after the training, the challenges that are being faced and opportunities moving forward.

Reflections from climate-smart agriculture demonstrations in Kenya: engendering inclusion with the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework

Tuesday 13 June | 15:00-16:00 (EAT)

Women and other minority groups play vital roles in African agriculture. Yet a complex set of cultural, social, and political factors constrain their access to Climate-Smart Agricultural (CSA) technologies, which could be transformative for their ability to adapt to climate change.  

There is an urgent need to focus on the productivity and resilience of women and other underserved people in agriculture value chains, especially when faced with the impact of climate change in line with United Nations targets of zero hunger (SDG 2), gender equality (SDG 5) and climate action (SDG 13).

Under the AICCRA project, the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) is also helping to make access to these CSA technologies more inclusive. This seminar takes us through how the ESF is helping to drive inclusive access to CSA technologies in Kenya and further shaping women’s agency in agricultural knowledge transfers.

Facilitator: Therese Gondwe

  • Welcome remarks - Sophia Huyer, AICCRA Gender and Social Inclusion Thematic Lead
  • Presentation - Adams Kwaw, AICCRA's Lead Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist
  • Discussions - All
  • Wrapping up - Sophia Huyer 

AICCRA Zambia on Engendering capacity development

28 March 2023 | 13:00-15:00 (UTC)

As a way of scaling out Climate Smart Technologies and Climate information services to farmers, the AICCRA project is implementing capacity-building activities for the benefit of all farmers (male, female and youth).

A presentation will be made by Everisto Mapedza (International Water Management Institute, IWMI) followed by discussions with webinar participants. 

The discussions will be focused on unpacking some of the successes, challenges and opportunities that have been encountered in Zambia while implementing capacity-building activities in a gender-sensitive manner.

We would like to encourage all of you to join and share your insights and good practices in relation to male, female and youth involvement in capacity-building activities under AICCRA project.  

We look forward to your contribution!


Facilitator: Therese Gondwe

  • Welcome remarks, Therese Gondwe
  • Presentation, Everisto Mapedza
  • Discussions, All
  • Wrap up, Sophia Huyer

AICCRA Ghana on Access to Agriculture Services for Women Farmers

28 Feb 2023 | 14:00-15:30 (UTC)

During the webinar, there was a presentation by the Ghana Country team followed by discussions with all participants. The discussions focused on unpacking some of the key barriers, opportunities and meaningful engagements with farmers in accessing Climate Smart Agriculture technologies and Climate Information Services in a gender-smart manner.

Facilitator: Therese Gondwe

  • Welcome remarks - Sophia Huyer, AICCRA Gender and Social Inclusion Thematic Lead
  • Presentation - Faustina Obenga, Gender and Social Inclusion expert for AICCRA Ghana
  • Discussions - All
  • Wrapping up - Sophia Huyer 

For more information on this webinar series, please contact Therese Gondwe (t.gondwe@cgiar.org)