Public Forum: Climate change in Kenya's drylands - How powerful new partnerships support resilient smallholder farmers

AICCRA is holding a public forum in Nairobi to serve as a platform to showcase how our work is contributing to practical and sustainable change in the Kenyan climate change adaptation ecosystem, and how our are partnerships are supporting farmers.

We will also formally launch AICCRA's additional finance phase with key representatives from the World Bank.

Please note space is limited and in-person attendance is by invitation only. If you would like to join the conversation, please join us via livestream (coming soon) and follow @CGIARAfrica for ongoing updates.


About the event

The purpose of this public forum is to:

  • Showcase the impact of new and strengthened partnerships between Kenya’s leading institutions, which are helping Kenya’s smallholder farmers become more resilient under climate change. For example, how a partnership between KMD and KALRO is delivering actionable recommendations to hundreds of thousands of smallholder farmers, boosting yields, incomes, and community resilience.
  • Hear how new technologies and practices are helping herders in Kenya’s dryland areas cope and proactively address climate risk, and understand the role of drought tolerant crops and climate smart agronomy to key Kenyan sectors like millet and sorghum, exploring how such innovations can be delivered at scale through innovative partnerships and education. 
  • Engage new and existing partners in the Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project, which will launch its new phase with additional finance from the World Bank for work in Kenya and across Africa.


(Subject to change)

Opening: Todd Crane, AICCRA Kenya Cluster Lead

Keynote Address: Dr. Pacifica F. Achieng Ogola, Director, Climate Change, Ministry Environment & Forestry, Kenya

Launch of AICCRA Additional Finance:

  • Abdou Tenkouano, Director General, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) 
  • Phoebe Mwangangi, Smallholder farmer and community leader from Makueni County, Kenya
  • Ana Maria Loboguerrero, AICCRA Director
  • Katie Kennedy Freeman, Senior Agriculture Economist, The World Bank Group

Presentation: AICCRA’s vision for scaling climate-smart agriculture in Kenya - Todd Crane, AICCRA Kenya Cluster Lead

The rest of the day will be split into four focus sections:

CLIMATE SERVICES FOR FARMERS: Integration of climate and agricultural data in support of disseminating data-driven, targeted digital advisories that support climate risk reduction. 


  • Masilin Gudoshava, ICPAC
  • Paul Murage, Academic Affairs (IMTR)
  • Sheena Raikundalia , Kuza Biashara
  • Salim Kinyimu, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)

DROUGHT RESILIENT CROPS: AICCRA’s work on drought tolerant crops and climate smart agronomy, with an emphasis on developing the millet and sorghum seed systems. 


  • Phoebe Mwangangi, Makindu Ward, Makueni
  • Judy Matu, Association of Women in Agriculture in Kenya (AWAK)
  • Dr Patrick Ketiem, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) - Katumani
  • Lynette Ngila, Dryland Seed
  • Lawrence Riungu, Lewa Conservancy

CLIMATE RESILIENT LIVESTOCK: Interventions in the livestock sector that support sustainable rangeland management and climate risk reduction.


  • Mohamed Ali Ahmed, Arbijahan Rangeland Management Committee
  • Abdullahi Ibrahim, Wajir County
  • Jillo Galgallo, Kenya Livestock Marketing Council (KLMC)
  • John Ougo, National Drought Management Authority (NDMA)
  • Ms. Kabale Huka, Isiolo Livestock Marketing Association
  • Harrison Mugo, State Department of Livestock (SDL)

ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS FOR CLIMATE ACTION: The final session will highlight AICCRA’s work aimed at institutionalizing CSA and CIS knowledge, particularly through CSA/CIS curricula for universities and extension training as well as policy engagements.


  • Prof. Dorothy Amwata, Murang'a University of Technology
  • Dr. Mwamburi Mcharo, Taita Taveta University
  • Emma W. Murangiri, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock
  • Julius Barno, National Treasury
  • Patrick Kibaya, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Taken together, the sessions will evidence AICCRA partners’ perspectives on how our work is contributing to practical and sustainable change in the Kenyan climate change adaptation ecosystem.

Closing Remarks:

  • Todd Crane, AICCRA Kenya Cluster Lead
  • Katie Kennedy Freeman, Senior Agriculture Economist, the World Bank  
  • Ana Maria Loboguerrero, AICCRA Director

Empowering Kenyan Farmers: Unveiling the impact of targeted agro-weather advisory


AICCRA and Lewa: Forging a Path towards Sustainable Agriculture and Community Resilience


Building Resilience Through Locally Led Climate Action: The Significance of Kenya’s Participatory Scenario Planning


Enhancing Agricultural Practices: Insights from the Impact of AICCRA’s Kenya Agri Hackathon on Post-Harvest Losses


Lead farmer and early adopter of climate-smart agriculture, meet Phoebe Mwangangi of Makueni County, Kenya

Innovation story

Foundational curricula for managing climate risks in agriculture forged through collaboration


Women, the unsung heroes of rangeland management in Arbahajan Ward, Wajir County, Kenya


With new bean varieties, women farmers in Kenya cope with drought