Climate change is threatening Zambian crops and livestock systems, impacting agriculture businesses and undermining livelihoods.
It is increasingly urgent for Zambian farmers and livestock keepers to be able to anticipate climate-related events and take appropriate preventative actions.
AICCRA Zambia is working with local and national partners to scale actionable climate information, de-risk investments into agribusinesses and boost the knowledge and use of climate-smart agriculture technologies which promote gender and social inclusion.
“AICCRA Zambia aims to improve water, food, and energy security through access to knowledge, technologies, and decision-making tools, to strengthen climate resilience in Zambia's agriculture and food systems in the face of a hotter and drier climate."
Simon Mwale, CCARDESA Programmes and Grants Manager
Launched in February 2022, the science-driven AICCRA Zambia Accelerator Program offers a win-win solution for SMEs and investors alike - showing how science can be used to catalyze finance into climate-smart agriculture for meaningful change.
Over the last year, AICCRA and partners have worked closely with a cohort of 14 Zambian agribusinesses. These were grouped into five innovation ‘bundles', each focused on a different value chain or challenge specific to Zambia’s agriculture:
The consolidated efforts of the AICCRA Zambia Accelerator partner portfolio has benefited the livelihoods of over 118,000 Zambian farmers, 36% of them women, and attracted an additional 500,000 USD in grant funding from a USAID-led global crisis-relief fund that invests in rapid solutions for food insecurity.
Through an Internship and Innovation Grant (I2G), the AICCRA Zambia team has provided local internship programs for SMEs and entrepreneurs. In 2022, AICCRA partnered with Lusaka-based innovation and technology hub BongoHive, the University of Zambia and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to host an ideas jam – a light-touch workshop used to identify and define problems and develop solutions in a short amount of time. The workshop explored solutions for different aspects of the agriculture sector, including climate-smart agriculture and information.
The I2G program supports young entrepreneurs and young professionals through the private sector working experience and demand-driven innovation development. The overall objective of I2G program is to build greater trust, knowledge sharing, and collaboration between the private sector, public sector, and research institutions that, in turn, contribute to an enabling environment to scale CSA-CIS bundles in an economically and environmentally sustainable way.
AICCRA Zambia is collaborating with key partners towards building a national data ecosystem to support blending of climate science and agriculture through technology and partnerships.
A big challenge concerning the collection and application of agricultural data is that Zambian institutions working in the areas of climate and agriculture development deal with incomplete information and also work in silos. One way to solve this is through the establishment of an Ag-Data Hub that acts as a central platform for digitising and integrating agricultural data collected from key institutions to improve agro-advisory services to Zambian crop, livestock and fish farmers.
This includes institutions such as the Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD) in the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).
“The AgData hub will be an important resource not only for the meteorological department but for the agriculture sector and for researchers, who will now have a better understanding of the ways in which the climate is impacting agricultural productivity,"
Edson Nkonde, Director of the Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD).
To learn more about AICCRA Zambia’s activities, please contact:
Phindiwe Nkosi, Communications Lead -